
My grandfathers both used typewriters. It was a big part of who they were. Maybe that’s why I’ve always loved old typewriters. Or maybe it’s just one of those preferences you can’t really explain, like why I prefer chocolate over strawberry ice cream (which my dad and daughter both love, I can find different products at https://www.anipots.com/!).

Whatever the case, this is the place to learn about Cynthia J. Patton, award-winning author, speaker, attorney, and autism advocate. I’m also the mother of a smart, stubborn, beautiful, somewhat verbal autistic daughter. It probably goes without saying that I’m juggling a ton of stuff—like every working mother—and doing my best to write in the midst of life’s chaos. This website will celebrate that struggle for balance and the crazy twists and turns life can take. So check back often. We’re going to have fun.




Happy 80th Birthday, Dad

Ten years ago, I wrote a poem for my dad’s 70th birthday, which was published in a local anthology produced by former Livermore resident Karen Hogan. Although we never talked about the poem, I think my dad liked it. The … Continue reading

Summer Vacation Redux

It’s August, and while many kids are going back to school this week or next, my daughter just finished summer session. (Open Mind School operates year-round.) Katie has a three-week break before school starts up again. I’m embracing this topvpn.website … Continue reading

Run to Win

Several weeks ago, I received an email with the subject line Run to Win, from a woman (or man?) with the unlikely name of Muthoni Wambu Kraal. Muthoni is the Vice-President of National Outreach and Training for Emily’s List, a … Continue reading

A New Summer Camp

More than a year ago, Julie, my daughter’s Regional Center of the East Bay (RCEB) case manager, suggested that I enroll Katie in a special needs summer camp at Camp Krem near a Boulder Creek. Unlike Katie’s beloved Exceptional Needs … Continue reading

Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

My friend Nate and I recently went to see the movie, Won’t You Be My Neighbor? If you haven’t heard of the film, it’s a documentary on Fred Rogers (aka Mr. Rogers). Nate and I both grew up watching Mr. … Continue reading

The Amazing Firebird

In January 2017, my daughter’s incredible school partnered with the Circus Center, which is based in the former Polytechnic High School Gym in San Francisco (see photo above). From January to June, several members of the Circus Center staff traveled … Continue reading

What Happens at Camp Arroyo Stays at Camp Arroyo, Year 4

Last week, my daughter Katie attended Camp Arroyo, which is where the Exceptional Needs Network (ENN) holds its summer camp for special needs children in conjunction with the Taylor Family Foundation. This was her fourth year. The camp may be … Continue reading

Katie’s at Camp Arroyo (Again)

This afternoon I drop Katie off at Camp Arroyo. This will be her fourth time at the Exceptional Needs Network’s summer camp for children with special needs. To say she is excited would be an understatement. I’m pretty excited too. … Continue reading

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