The first workshop in The Autism A to Z Workshop Series is called Introduction to Special Needs Advocacy: Empower Yourself, Empower Your Child. “Learning the law won’t help if you don’t know how to advocate. I wanted to offer a class that would give parents a solid foundation in the art of advocacy so they would feel empowered rather than overwhelmed.”
A workshop is scheduled for Saturday, November 5, 2011, in Livermore, CA. Another is set for Saturday, December 3, 2011, in Sacramento, CA. Both workshops will take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.. Workshops will be small so participants receive plenty of individual attention and will take place in a home for a relaxed atmosphere. The address will be provided after registration or upon request. Cost is $150 per individual or $200 per couple, continental breakfast and lunch included. Registration in advance is required.
Workshop participants will learn the basics of successful advocacy, including clarifying objectives, developing a plan, managing documentation and time, and negotiating to win. Parents will leave with a customized plan tailored to their child plus powerful tools to help them navigate the often confusing process of securing services for a special needs child.
For more information, contact Cynthia. A flyer for the workshop can be downloaded here: Introduction to Special Needs Advocacy
To register for the workshop, please make your selections and use the PayPal button provided below.