Tag Archives: Addiction

An Ode to Johnny

Last June I wrote several posts about death. (You can read them here: Death Comes in Threes (Or More), Staring Into the Abyss, and Saying Goodbye.) In short, a friend’s husband died of cancer as did a fellow autism mom. … Continue reading

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The Things We do For Love

The other day I was driving home and saw a man in the middle of the street. It wasn’t a lazy, neighborhood street, but a congested four-lane arterial. He was cutting across mid-way between intersections, weaving through traffic. It was … Continue reading

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The Art of Flow

Welcome to another Tuesday with TED. Today we have Yale University addiction psychiatrist and neuroscientist Judson Brewer, MD, PhD, who outlines how we get in our own way.  Using examples such as Lolo Jones tripping on a hurdle in the 2008 … Continue reading

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A Leap of Faith

I’ve been online dating—or perhaps what could be more accurately described as attempting to online date—for a couple of years now. When I began to tentatively consider dating, back in 2010, my biggest fear was that I would meet (and … Continue reading

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Stealth Grief

I’ve been rather sad, on and off, the past several weeks—and not because summer school ended much too soon this year (as in, today). No, this was a reappearance of something I call “stealth grief.” This is how stealth grief … Continue reading

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