Welcome to another Tuesday with TED. Today we have bestselling author Mac Barnett, who is the author of fifteen books for children. He was the executive director of 826LA, a fabulous nonprofit writing center, and founder of The Echo Park Time Travel Mart, a convenience store for time travelers. (Watch the talk, it will make perfect sense.)
In this whimsical talk about creativity and wonder, Barnett explains why kids are the ideal readers of literary fiction — and what adults can learn from them about imagination and the willing suspension of disbelief. Barnett speaks about writing that escapes the page, art as a doorway to wonder — and what real kids say to a fictional whale. It’s a delight. Enjoy!
Barnett states: “Childhood is surreal. Why shouldn’t children’s books be?” Do you agree? How might you better use imagination, wonder, and whimsy to enhance your creative endeavors? Leave a comment below.
Until next time,
Cynthia Patton