My story, Waiting for Words, is being featured for the next two weeks with the art of Sarah Nicholls as part of an ekphrastic project called M.A.M.A. (mothers are making art). You can see it here. A list of all the featured works can be found here, on The Mom Egg Review website.
The Mom Egg Review will also be featuring my work in their upcoming newsletter. Many thanks to Marjorie Tesser, Editor of The Mom Egg Review, for selecting my work (again).
M.A.M.A. is a collaboration between The Mom Egg Review, The ProCreate Project, and the Museum of Motherhood. It celebrates the notion of being “pregnant with ideas.” You can read more about it in my previous post.
As always, it’s an honor to have my work selected and sent out into the world. Plus with this story, I’m spreading some autism awareness as well. A double win for me.
Until next time,