Welcome to another Tuesday with TED. Today we have Elizabeth Gilbert, the best-selling author of Eat, Pray, Love, as well as five other books and countless publications as a longtime magazine writer — covering music and politics for Spin and GQ. Gilbert also owns and runs the import shop, Two Buttons, in Frenchtown, New Jersey.
Gilbert was once an “unpublished diner waitress,” devastated by rejection letters. And yet, in the wake of the success of Eat, Pray, Love, she found herself identifying strongly with her former self. With beautiful insight, Gilbert reflects on why success can be as disorienting as failure and offers a simple way to carry on, regardless of outcomes.
I loved how Gilbert says that for her, the term “going home” means writing because she loves writing more than she fears failure, even more than she loves herself. What do you love more than you love yourself? Tell me below. I’m curious.
Until next time,
Cynthia Patton