Welcome to another Tuesday with TED. Today we’re watching Brooklyn-based artist and computer scientist Jonathan Harris who works to make sense of the emotional world of the web. With deep compassion for the human condition, his projects troll the internet to find out what we’re all feeling and looking for. Harris makes online art that captures the world’s expression — and gives us a glimpse of the soul of the internet.
I posted another talk given by Harris back in March. (You can find it here.) This talk focuses on his incredible project, We Feel Fine.
This is a wonderful talk about blogging and the human condition. Even if you don’t blog, I think you will find it fascinating.
If you don’t blog, did this change how you feel about blogging? Did you find it surprising that people will be more honest in a blog than when being interviewed in person? I know many people have told me that they are surprised at how honest and open I am on my blog, which mystifies me a bit. I don’t write about anything that I wouldn’t tell you in person. But maybe all those years of writing memoir have changed me. What do you think?
Until next time,
Cynthia Patton