Positive Changes: An Update

People have been asking me for more details on my weight loss journey. So I thought I would give you some facts now that I’m halfway through the IsaBody Challenge.

Katie and me before the IsaBody Challenge, October 2013

Katie and me before the IsaBody Challenge, October 2013

I signed up for the Challenge at midnight on November 8, 2013. These were my measurements on November 9th:

Neck: 16″
Bust: 46″
Diaphragm: 38″
Waist: 41″
Abdomen: 44″
Hips/Butt: 42″
Right Arm: 13.5″
Left Arm: 14.5″
Right Thigh: 21.5″
Left Thigh: 22″
Right Upper Knee: 15″
Left Upper Knee: 15″
Right Calf: 15.5″
Left Calf: 15.5″

Eight weeks later, and halfway through the Challenge, these were my measurements on January 4, 2014:

Neck: 14.5″
Bust: 42.5″
Diaphragm: 35.5″
Waist: 37″
Abdomen: 39″
Hips/Butt: 39.5″
Right Arm: 12.5″
Left Arm: 12.5″
Right Thigh: 20″
Left Thigh: 20″
Right Upper Knee: 14.5″
Left Upper Knee: 14.5″
Right Calf: 13.5″
Left Calf: 13.5″

Gold StarsIn eight weeks, I lost 21 pounds and 30.5 inches. Actually I lost, then gained a bit at Christmas, and then lost it once again! And this was despite no yoga during the two-week winter break. All in all, I think these are pretty amazing results, especially for the holiday season.

By January 18, 2014, ten weeks into the Challenge, I’d lost 26 pounds. Katie and I were on our way to Sea Ranch for the holiday weekend, so I didn’t take measurements. But I’m guessing at least some of them must have crept further down.

I’m fitting into clothes that I haven’t worn for several years. At 49, I feel better than I did in my 30s. When I’m walking the dog or doing yoga, I’m amazed at how much more energy I have. And I still can’t believe that I’m no longer drinking coffee. How the heck did that happen?

I am so grateful that I took on the IsaBody Challenge. I may not reach my ultimate goal weight by February 28th  (or get selected as a prize-winning finalist) but I know that I’ll continue with my weight loss journey. And that’s the biggest accomplishment of all.

Until next time,
Cynthia Patton

NOTE: If you are interested in learning more about the IsaBody Challenge, please contact me and I will send you some information. Or visit my website by clicking here.

About Cynthia J. Patton

Writer, Editor, Advocate, Speaker, Special Needs Attorney, and Autism Mom. Also the Founder and Chairperson of Autism A to Z, a nonprofit providing resources and solutions for life on the spectrum.
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