Heroes Among Us

IMG_0376Earlier this month, I described the process of writing four poems for four sculptures being installed simultaneously downtown and then moving on to a volunteer poem for the City’s annual Civic Appreciation Dinner. Five poems in under three weeks. Here’s the last one.



There are heroes among us.
We may not know their names or their faces,
but they are here, quietly unfurling their brilliance
like a spangled satin cape. The woman who fosters
kittens from the shelter; the man who docents
at the history museum; the parents who champion
the disabled. People like me and you.
Tiny miracles that enrich our community.

There are heroes among us.
They serve on commissions and boards,
committees and groups, sharing their skills
with an abundance of spirit. The men and women
of the Planning Commission, the multi-talented
teens who advise, the amazing Art Commissioners
who I have the privilege to work with and know.
Each a priceless gift to our community.

There are heroes among us.
No one pays them for their work, this labor
of love, but I suspect all would claim
to be well-compensated. Driven by some
inner voice that says: give back. As you do,
in all your wondrous ways, each of you
a match that starts a wildfire of giving.
Your light a thing of beauty, awesome to behold.


Number 2 was correct. This is nice work. I just might be a poet after all….

Until next time,

About Cynthia J. Patton

Writer, Editor, Advocate, Speaker, Special Needs Attorney, and Autism Mom. Also the Founder and Chairperson of Autism A to Z, a nonprofit providing resources and solutions for life on the spectrum.
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