
metoo-2859980_1920Is it just me?

I’m feeling triggered (and then triggered again) on a daily—no, constant—basis by what seems like hourly revelations of sexual impropriety in the workplace. Part of me wants to look away. But part of me insists, no, you must witness this. It’s important. Do not turn your back.

My guess is that most women are feeling something similar.

I’m a poet, so as the #MeToo movement continues to grow and spread, naturally some of this anger and angst spills out into my writing life. This is what I wrote this week. I’m guessing there will be more….



How many times must I be
shoved against unyielding wall

or car, unwelcome tongue rammed
down my throat? How many unwanted

hands on my ass, how many accidental
grazes that lingered a moment too long?

This uncharted territory you yearn to conquer
is not yours to plunder. Its spoils are mine

to horde or squander. I am queen
of my aging but still proud domain.

Why won’t you recognize
a sovereignty that is not yours?


Until next time

About Cynthia J. Patton

Writer, Editor, Advocate, Speaker, Special Needs Attorney, and Autism Mom. Also the Founder and Chairperson of Autism A to Z, a nonprofit providing resources and solutions for life on the spectrum.
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